Lies, The Buried Giant and Tom Gates again

When I am in the middle of reading a novel I don’t really have a lot to blog about. Which makes it hard to write a book blog, without having read any books; and I am not the fastest reader in the world.

To counter this, I occasionally like to come on here and update you on what I am reading now, and whatever other booky type stuff I have been up to.

Currently reading: Lies by Michael Grant

I started reading Michael Grant‘s Gone series a couple of years ago. This year I have promised myself that I will finish reading this series of Young adult science fiction, which I have to admit is no great chore, these books keep getting better as the series progresses.

Currently I am almost half-way through the third book in the series; Lies which like the first two books is weird, filled with twists and so far a lot of fun.

Listening to: The Buried Giant

BBC Radio 4’s long-running Book at Bedtime recently featured  a dramatisation of Kazuo Ishiguro‘s latest novel The Buried Giant which I have listened to when I can find time. I won’t tell you much about it (that can wait for my review), except if you haven’t listened to it and you are wanting to do so, you better hurry. The BBC tends to remove their radio archives from the servers after about 30 days, so episode 1 is due to expire soon.

Finished reading: Tom Gates; Everything’s Amazing (Sort Of)

Speaking of books at bedtime… Little Amelia and I finished reading the third book in the Tom Gate’s series of children’s books, Everything’s Amazing (Sort of). Like the first Tom Gates book (we didn’t know the running order, so we are currently reading the second), it was a fun, easy to read book that adults won’t find too painful to read with their little darlings. It is filled with Liz Pichon‘s crazy doodles, and a has a whacky, yet somehow believable plot.

The Brilliant World of Tom Gates by Liz Pichon

Why is an adult reading children’s books?

Besides being an adult of forty-some years, I am also a father of two book-worm children. Two book-worm children who still love to have a story before bed; even though they are now eleven and nine. Of course I am no longer the sole reader, we take turns reading, though I think secretly they prefer to listen because I do better voices.

A Short Video to Introduce Tom Gates’ Brilliant World

Who Should Read This Brilliant Book

Although kids and adults alike will probably enjoy peeking through Tom Gates’ brilliant first book, it should be remembered that it is for children aged between 7-10. Personally, I think children aged between 7-110  will find it equally entertaining, but I also know some older children may be embarrassed to be seen reading. It is easy to read, and will act as a good bridge for children going from books with more pictures than words to chapter books with less or no pictures.

Tom Gates’ Brilliant World is printed as though it is a journal written by a boy in Grade 5, including the messy handwriting and doodles, which I think will make it ideal material for someone who is less confident at reading as the doodles will help explain the story. Of course it will be equally enjoyable for even someone like myself who has a degree in English literature, because Tom Gates’ Brilliant World is, well…. Brilliant!